Robin Konstantopoulos ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Robin Konstantopoulos ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director

My Story

Welcome and thank you for visiting my shop! If you have any questions please message me any time.

I am a Very proud Autism Mom to my two children Anthony and Aristea. Everything I do is for them. Anthony is now 10 years old, he is severely developmentally delayed and is non verbal. He also has exceptional air borne allergies to corn and wheat. He cannot attend a full day of school because of this.

When he is happy - he is so happy and will bring joy to your soul. Aristea is 13 years old and has high functioning autism. (In other words, WE experience her as being highly verbal even though she struggles significantly with dysgraphia, executive functioning, social communication and self regulation.)

Every warmer tells it’s own story...
Whether you are proud of yourself or someone else for their accomplishments, having a baby, birthday coming up, special occasions such as weddings, baptisms, communions and more or even wanting to give someone a powerful piece to help them stay strong while they are battling a terrible disease, even mourning a loss and want to hold them close somehow or just to treat yourself, I am very grateful and honoured to help you do that.

In the beginning (2012) it was just a hobby but after my husband broke his back at work, my commissions turned into our household income. Now my daughter and my husband are both active with helping our Scentsy business. We never dreamed it would have turned out like it has.

I want to thank all of my supporters because without you I could not help my son go into many programs, therapies and supplements. Anthony is also learning to swim like his big sister through Special Olympics Ontario. He also has IBI therapy but this is thankfully (for now) paid for by the Government. Scentsy also helps to pay for supplements as well as specialized social skills programming for our daughter. We do not know what our children’s future holds but I pray it is bright!
In 2019 I learned I had Lyme Disease. Your support also helps for expensive supplements to treat my illness.

Thank you so much for your support, it truly does make a difference.

Become a Scentsy Consultant! Join Scentsy Today!
Are you ready to get started on you Scentsy adventure? The Scentsy Starter Kit is FULL of products, marketing materials and so much more to help you start your business off quick! If you have any questions you can find all the answers here. When you are ready to join Scentsy, simply go to my site and click “Join Scentsy” to follow the online instructions -
It's that simple. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, I'm here to help you succeed!!

We love what we do and that we get to meet terrific people every day. We have learned you do not actually have to “sell” Scentsy - it sells itself. You simply plug it in and everyone falls in love!

I love that we can work our schedules around our family. Knowing that we can all work together while contributing to the family is a bonus! We hope that you will love Scentsy as much as we do. If you are interested in becoming a Scentsy Consultant or would like more information on how to Join Scentsy, host a basket, home party or fundraiser, just let us know. We can introduce you to Scentsy warmers, scents and products and the rest of the Scentsy Family Brands. We would love to get together and introduce Scentsy to YOU!

Our Award Winning Northern Warmth Scentsy Team spans England, Australia, The United States and Canada and is growing rapidly! For more information on Joining, visit the Join Scentsy page on our site and you can join our fabulous team and start sharing Scentsy right away!

Scentsy Family changed my life. Let me show you how it can change yours too.
You can also order directly off our site and have your goodies delivered anywhere in the United States or Canada or give us a call and I can place your order for you.
I appreciate you stopping to check out my website and taking the time to learn more about my family. - Be sure to check out the Holiday and Warmer of the month tabs for the newest arrivals!

Robin Konstantopoulos, Independent Scentsy Consultant, SuperStar Director
Join me on Social Media: @RobinKscents

More about us and how we arrived here:


My Favourite Scents